During hot summer days in the United States, watermelon is one of the most popular treats. It is commonly served at backyard barbecues and picnics and is a juicy, sweet treat composed of 92% water. Moreover, watermelon is an excellent choice for people, but it’s also much healthier and hydrating for your dog.
As nutrient-rich as watermelon is, you should also consider some other factors before feeding it to your pet. Let’s discuss the advantages of feeding your dog watermelon as a treat and the precautions.
Can dogs eat watermelon?
Yes, they can. However, it’s recommended that treats account for no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie consumption.
You might be tempted to indulge your dog occasionally, but dogs are perfectly fine eating the same dog food day in and day out.
Make sure to discuss dog food with your veterinarian before you serve it to your pet. While watermelon may be a healthy treat for some dogs, be sure that it will not negatively affect their gastrointestinal system.
How does watermelon affect my dog’s health?
The Watermelon Promotions Board, a USDA department, considers watermelon a superfood due to its antioxidant, potassium, vitamins A, C, and B6.
- Despite being 92% water, watermelon is one of the best snacks on hot days since it is high in nutritional value.
- High percentages of moisture (94%) will assist with hydration, an essential consideration during hot weather.
- The anti-cancer nutrient Lycopene is also beneficial in supporting vision in dogs. Studies have also suggested that it slows the rate of cancer growth.
- The antioxidants present in watermelon repair the damaged cells.
- Potassium supports healthy kidney and heart function, acts as a mineral that helps build strong bones, regulates fluid levels, and facilitates muscle development.
- Vitamin C reduces inflammation and boosts the immune system.
- Vitamin A is beneficial to the skin, coat, muscles, and nerves.
- Your dog’s body needs Vitamin B6 to regulate fluid balance, build proteins, and produce hormones regulating the nervous system.
- In addition, fiber aids in preventing constipation, helps resolve diarrhea, and can prevent blockages.
What part of a watermelon will my dog not be able to eat?
It’s a delicious, moisture-filled fruit that dogs gobble up on hot days, but not all is as it seems with the watermelon. You’ve got to take proper precautions when giving this treat to your dog.
The mature seeds of watermelon may cause problems for your dog in the instance that they ingest too many of them. The seeds may result in an intestinal blockage.
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This scenario is true especially for small dogs with much smaller intestines than larger dogs. Therefore you should remove the seeds.
Is seedless watermelon the best choice?
The seeds in seedless watermelon are not mature or in high enough quantity to bind up in a dog’s digestive tract. You still don’t want to be careless of the seed portion, but it’s a far better option if you go for watermelons.
Is it safe for my dog to eat watermelon rind?
You might be thinking, can dogs eat watermelon rind? The answer is no, they cant.
It is not safe for your dog to nibble on the light green part of the rind. The digestive system of dogs would not break it down, and it could cause an intestinal blockage.
If you want to offer fruit to your dog, you should remove the rind and the seeds first.
Can my dog overeat watermelon?
Overeating can cause problems, and watermelon is no different.
Dogs should eat 90% of their regular dog food, followed by treats and watermelon, at most 10% of their diet, to prevent obesity and diabetes.
Dogs should consume much less watermelon than large dogs as an extra snack. Most dogs have a tummy upset of some sort after eating watermelon.
How about the sugar in watermelon?
If your dog has diabetes, you should not be offer watermelon until your veterinarian discusses proper serving sizes and your dog’s diet needs.
How to add watermelon to my dog’s diet?
- Remove the seeds and rind from the watermelon, and serve your dog the fresh fruit.
- Remove seeds and rind from chunks and freeze for a cool treat on a warm day.
- Remove the seeds and peel from the fruit and puree it, then freeze it in ice cube trays for a snack.
- Puree some dog-safe fruits like blueberries, bananas, pineapple, and yogurt and freeze in ice cube trays. Or serve it as a smoothie.
- To make a chewy treat, dehydrate the fruit. This process will eliminate its hydrating properties, but your dog will still enjoy it.
Ankita is a passionate pet lover and head of content at Pet Food Brands. With her extensive knowledge and research, she provides pet owners with top-quality information on dog food and nutrition. Her dedication to improving the lives of dogs makes her a leading voice in the industry.